The best care for your best friend!

PAWS - The Modern Spay Neuter Clinic

20635 N Cave Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ 85024

602-795-7297 [PAWS]

dog dental

Client Handouts

What if you never brushed your teeth?

Periodontal disease is considered by many veterinarians to be the most common disease that affects pets. Most cats and dogs develop plaque, calculus, and gingivitis by the time they are 1 year of age. Lack of oral hygiene is probably the most significant reason for the development of periodontal disease in companion animals. Periodontal disease results in inflammation and destruction of the tissues around the tooth. The periodontal tissues include: the gums, connective tissue, and alveolar bone (tooth socket).

Gingivitis, inflammation of the gums, is the first stage of periodontal disease. As periodontal disease progresses there is destruction of tissue attachment between tooth and the surrounding tissues. There is visible inflammation and the loss of bone around the tooth. The loss of gum tissue attachment and bone results in “pockets” of disease below the gum line. This is called periodontal disease.

Untreated periodontal disease is a constant sources of infection for the rest of the body. Eventually, it leads to weakened areas of bone, mobile teeth, and tooth loss. Keeping your pets teeth clean is the best way to treat and prevent periodontal disease. Because, the periodontal disease is hidden below the gum line, a professional teeth cleaning, under anesthesia is the only way to properly treat periodontal disease.

Anesthesia Free Dental Cleanings May Do More Harm Than Good!

Open: Monday through Thursday

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.